Thursday, December 31, 2009


This lovely image of the nearly Full Moon was captured by me several nights ago as David and I walked the Oceanside Trail at Land's End in San Francisco.

On this final night of 2009
in the vibration of a Cancer Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
during this beautiful Blue Moon
in the midst of this Winter season
during this time of completion, fulfillment, and wholeness,

I send my Love your way, beauty-full and precious Soul. May your every moment be infused with gentle blessings throughout the New Year.

Softly, respectfully, gratefully, Jane

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Blessed Holy Day...Every Day

Every day is a holy day ... a holiday.

Living from this perspective allows me the glorious opportunity to practice being in relationship with the magic present within each and every moment.

I remember late one Summer evening experiencing Christmas. It most certainly caught my attention, and I was inspired to whisper
softly to a loved one, "Shhh, listen, it feels just like Christmas right now!" I am graced with that same peace-full sensation from time to time, and when I am, I ask my Self why I associate it with Christmas? Here is what I hear each time I ask:

"In these blessed moments, there is a keen awareness of a deep and abiding wellspring of stillness within, not stagnation or contraction, but rather that pulsing, alive, infinitely expansive kind of stillness that awakens us to the Glory, the Magic, and the Love permeating every single cell, of every single thing, in every single moment.

So dear soul, it is now, from this experiential place of Knowing, in honor of this holy-day-season, and in honor of your presence in my life and mine in yours that ...

I pause,
easing into the Pulsing Rhythms of Stillness,
and from this Glorious place, I hold you,
in the heart of my awareness,
the magic of this moment.

All Love to you on this and every holy day, beauty-full and Love-filled Divine Being!

Bowing deeply,