Thursday, March 25, 2010


This image of the golden lotus immersed in the rich, dark realms is a photograph I created in Thailand during my recent travels there. It represents perfectly the vibrational quality of my Life Journey at this time.

The last several months have called me into the Sanctuary of the Inner Realms for study, introspection, and personal development.

From this Womb, I invest my Trust in the Creative Process, and my Faith in the Unseen. It is a time for Nurturing Self, for Listening, for Waiting.

With ever greater depth, I remain available for Intuitive Readings and Flower Essence Session Series. My email communications may be less frequent for a while.

My whispers from the womb, to you, dear soul, are soft and simple:
  • I am here, now, with my Self as I am.
  • This allows me to be here, now, with you as you are.
  • I continue to cherish offering my loving support for your Sacred Life Journey as well as for my own.
Bowing gently, and with Love,
